(快閃優惠折上折 - 銀行轉賬或轉數快, 輸入優惠碼MICRO可享10%即時回贈!) (會員限定優惠! 世界第一滑板車品牌) 瑞士Micro Mini LED 閃光輪胎兒童滑板車 (2-5歲) - 黃色

特殊價格 $855.00 定期的價格 $950.00


Mini Micro Deluxe LED 閃燈輪滑板車是與瑞士專家合作開發,它能提高活動能力和運動功能。手柄不但可隨小孩成長而調校高度更可輕易地拆除,方便放於車上及手提箱內。踏板是用合成材料製成的,用玻璃纖維作增強,防止兒童受傷。


Mini micro’s best features are the happy faces of the kids who ride it.

Sunday afternoon and the sun is shining. Let’s go for a walk in the park. The children don’t feel like walking and you don’t want to push them around in a buggy?

The mini micro is the solution! Your kids are mobile, progress more quickly and really enjoy it. We are particularly proud of the fact that mini micro has been selected several times as the toy of the year by children and their parents.

Developed in collaboration with Swiss Specialists the mini micro enhances the movement abilities, motor function and coordination of the child through the weight control steering. The handlebars can be simply removed for transport in the car or in a suitcase. The footboard is made of synthetic material, reinforced with fiberglass and prevents the children from getting injured.


Micro Mini


Micro 獨創的重心轉向技術,幼兒可以利用單腳蹬地前進,並且用揚起的腳來取得身體重心的平衡,訓練身體運動協調性。
最重要的是Micro Mini非常輕量,足以讓2歲幼兒輕鬆拿取,雖輕量卻有穩定的操控

** 註:商品說明及圖片僅供參考,一切以實物為準 **